What Exactly is a Psychic Hymen?

There appears to be a common friction in our lives between two loosely identifiable groups of people. The first is comprised of those who possess a total mental barrier between them and the inherent brutality of life, those whose awareness of cruelty and suffering (especially as experienced by other people) is surface level, their minds filtering their awareness and shielding them from harsher truths. The second group, in direct contrast, are those who possess no filter whatsoever to protect from the daily onslaught of injustice and pain that most of us are subjected to, particularly through algorithmically generated information feeds on social media platforms. Not only do they experience in real time the suffering of others, but the feedback also causes an additional increase in their own suffering due to the mental strain of this overwhelming awareness. Yet while some may well wish for the sweet ignorance gifted to those with highly active filtering, many are well aware that not knowing about something sucking doesn't make it stop sucking. Thus, we are left with the need of a secret third psychological strategy, one that allows us to maintain awareness of life's awfulness while still providing a partial protective buffer that prevents us from going absolutely apeshit.

This is what I have come to refer to as a “psychic hymen.”

The core “purpose” of my site, if there exists any, is to figure out how to cultivate this for myself, mostly through ponderous and bloated writings on whatever topics see fit to seethe out of my frontal lobe and onto the keyboard. And it is my genuine hope, for those masochistic enough to read these meditiations of mine, that they will find it easierto grow their own psychic hymens in turn. Or if nothing else, it'll provide the entertainment value equivalent to watching a monkey in a small cage as it repeatedly smacks its forehead into the bars.

I will also probably cram this place full of weird shit I find/make because it brings me some quantum of joy. With that in mind...

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